May 2023

5-28-23 pm sermon – Fear of the Unknown

5-21-23 pm sermon – The Vine And The Branches

5-21-23 am sermon – They Are After Our Children

5-14-23 pm sermon – The Healing of the Blind Man

5-7-23 pm sermon – The Resurrection

April 2023

4-23-23 pm sermon – Being A Disciple

4-23-23 am sermon – God’s Simple Plan

4-16-23 pm sermon – Showtime Religion

4-9-23 pm sermon – I Am Willing

4-9-23 am sermon – At The Foot Of The Cross

March 2023

3-26-23 am sermon – Follow Me

3-19-23 pm sermon – The Last Days

3-12-23 pm sermon – The Wise And Foolish Builders

3-12-23 am sermon – Follow The Pattern

3-5-23 pm sermon – Judgment To Come