July 2017

7-23-17 pm sermon Elephant in the Church: Homosexually

7-23-17 am sermon Doing it God’s way

7-9-17 am sermon Do You Believe in Miracles?

7-2-17 pm sermon – Elephant in the Church – Pornography

7-2-17 am sermon – It’s We, Not Me

June 2017

5-26-17 am sermon – What Christ Expects From His Church

6-26-17 pm sermon – Elephant in the Church – Divorce

6-18-17 pm sermon – Elephant in the Church – Modesty

6-18-17 am sermon – Patience

6-4-17 pm sermon-Malachi

6-4-17 am Sermon – The Unshakable Kingdom

May 2017

5-21-17 pm sermon – Zechariah

5-21-17 am sermon – Rise Up and Build

5-14-17 pm sermon – Haggai

5-14-17 am sermon – A Mother Like Hannah