May 2018

5-6-18 pm sermon – Being Bold Like Paul

5-6-18 am sermon – The Joy Of Being A Christian

April 2018

4-22-18 am sermon – Assurance of Salvation

4-22-18 pm sermon – Repentance

4-8-18 pm sermon – Zacchaeus

4-8-18 am sermon – Blessed Are The Peacemakers

4-1-18 pm sermon – Doesn’t Matter Where You Are Buried

March 2018

3-25-18 pm sermon – Watch Our Words

3-25-18 am sermon – Naaman And The Servant Girl

3-18-18 pm sermon – Remember…

3-18-18 am sermon – Holier Than Thou Attitude

3-11-18 pm sermon – How God Uses The Bad For Good

4-11-18 am sermon – Repentance

Parenting Seminar #4

Parenting Seminar – Session 3