March 2018

Parenting Seminar – Session 2

Parenting Seminar – Session One

3-4-18 pm sermon – Where Did God Come From?

3-4-18 AM Sermon – Stubborness

February 2018

2-25-18 pm sermon – Be Holy

2-25-18 am sermon – When God Is Selective

2-18-18- pm sermon – Why I Want To Go To Heaven

2-18-18 am sermon – The Difference in Worship and Entertainment

2-11-18 pm sermon – Edification

2-11-18 am sermon – Raising Our Children To Maturity

2-4-18 pm sermon – Pride

2-4-18 am sermon – God On Trial

January 2018

4-28-18 pm sermon – What Is Truth?

1-28-18 am sermon – Lessons From Judas

1-21-18 pm sermon – Satan Is Real