May 2016

5-29-16 am sermon – Abraham

5-22-16 pm sermon – Samuel

5-22-16 am sermon – Lessons From Mary

5-15-16 pm Sermon – Paul’s Nephew

5-15-16 am sermon – Questions About The Church

5-8-16 pm sermon – The End of Time

5-8-16 am Sermon – Dorcus

5-1-16 pm Sermon Loving The Lord With Your Heart, Soul and Mind

5-1-16 am sermon – Are There Too Many Old People In The Church?

April 2016

4-17-16 am sermon Being Content

4-17-16 pm sermon – Being Suspicious

4-10-16 pm sermon – The Road to Emmaus

4-10-16 am sermon – Providence of God

4-3-16 pm sermon – Lessons From The Blind Man in John 9

4-3-16 am sermon – The Two Sides of God